Monday, December 8, 2014

South Burlington Student Wins VT Fire Prevention Calendar Contest

South Burlington Student Wins Vermont State Fire Prevention Calendar Contest
Bradley W.M. Dattilio
Senior Fire Fighter/Paramedic
Fire Prevention Education Coordinator - SBFD

The VERMONT FIRE SAFETY CALENDAR program is a yearly program that features the art work of 3rd grade students from around the state. The Fire Safety Calendar program provides a focused learning experience when children prepare fire safety posters for the calendar. Posters from students from all over the state are received each year. The posters are initially sorted into 13 categories with approximately 15-20 posters selected from each category to be included in the final judging. After this initial sorting by division staff, the posters for the calendar are voted on by a team of judges. The judges are not aware of the student’s name or school at the time of the selection.
A team of judges representing educators, parents, and fire fighters selected 13 winners for the State Fire Safety Calendar. Without the participation of the schools this project would not be such a success. Teachers and local fire departments play a vital role in educating our youngsters on the importance of fire safety.  The 13 posters selected for the calendar portray key fire safety messages from the eyes of young children. Each month of the year is represented by a fire safety message coinciding with the time of year.
South Burlington's Rick Marcotte Central School was well represented this year. Nashita Yusuf, a student in Jackie Bailey’s 3rd grade class was selected as the July 2015 winner.  Nashita used the theme of “fireworks safety” to design her fire safety poster.  Leo Rosowsky, another 3rd grade student from RMCS was selected this year as a runner-up.  Congratulations Nashita and Leo!!!

Sparky the Fire Dog with Nashita Yusuf, SBFD Division of Fire Prevention Coordinator Senior Fire Medic Brad Dattilio, and Teacher Jackie Bailey.

Nashita's poster on Fireworks Safety will be displayed in the Vermont Fire Safety Calendar in July 2015.

L-R: SBFD Fire Medic Bradley Dattilio, Nashitas Dad Dr. Yusuf, Vermont Department of Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn, and Nashita.

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